Future of
Smart Life
Future of Smart Life
Free ourselves from the mundane and the trivial to fully embrace the meaningful

Our Story
The concept of "Enchanted" is inspired by MIT Media Labinstructor David Rose's book "Enchanted Objects: Innovation, Design, and the Future of Technology" (2014). In this book, Rosedescribes a future in which we interact with our increasingly smarttechnology intuitively, similar to the way characters fromfantasies and fairy tales use magical items.
This is also the future that we envision here at Linkstyle.life - aworld full of these enchanted objects that seamlessly integrate intoour everyday lives. We believe these enchanted objects to be thekeys to transforming our lifestyles into a version where we workmore efficiently, travel more safely, and live more freely.
Our Vision
"Free ourselves from the mundane and the trivial to fully embrace the meaningful"
We have seen rapid development and adoption of smart technology in recent years. What we envision is no longer just an ideal for a future, but an evolving reality that can be achieved with products today.
Our Mission